Welcome to my website.I would like to show you some of my oil paintings.They vary from cowboy westerns to seascapes with a few bluebonnets thown in 

ken smith fine art captures life's important moments!

I hope you enjoy my paintings.Feel free to call me for more infro. 817/903-8277

Introduction My name is ken smith.I was born and raised in Amarillo,moved to Irving, Tx, in 1968 where I owned several business and retired as a home builder and moved to Granbury in i986. I have always been into art. I went 4 years to American Fine ART School in Irving,Tx.. Addie White was the owner and teacher. This is where I really got serious about art. I later took work shops with several artist. Jerry Yarnell,Arnold Vail and Betty Carr. WesternArtist Doug Prine helped me with horses and cowboys.Thanks Doug..I've owned Art Galleries in Irving,Acton and Granbury,Tx. My paintings are hanging in homes all over North Texas and Amarillo area.You can see my work at the Up Town Art Gallery and Wolf Crossing Gallery

My Work

My paintings are original oil on canvas or board..I paint from photos drawings or things from memory. I was out on the West Coast years ago and was captured by the ocean waves and the seashores. It's still my favorite subject. I like painting Mountains, Western Art, Bluebonnets and things in the 30's. I also make weathered old barnwood frames. Kensframes@yahoo.com

Feel free to look through my portfolio for a sample of my work. If you have any questions, please contact me.

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